Welcome to my Rich Life

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Top Ten Thurs.

Ten Life Lessons I have Learned

God is in Control of my life...not the
other way around!
Sleeping on an argument is best.
I am in control of my own happiness.
You can never have too many
genuine friends.
Listen....you may learn something.
Be Content
Love is Liberating
I truly am a Child of God
This day is not dress rehearsal...it is
Opening Night! Make it count.
Children and Husbands need love to grow!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Today You are 10!

Today Dillon was born in Almaty Kazakhstan. Eight years later you were "born" to us! Adopting you has been one of the best things I have ever experienced. I am blessed to have you in my life! You have such beautiful eyes. He is one of a kind. Two years together now and you make me smile. I am so glad you are a part of my life. You never take anything or anyone for granted. You are kind and gentle. You lack coordination....that makes me laugh! You try hard. You are determined to do your best at everything you do. Thanks for being in my life.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Top Ten Thurs.

Things that are happening around here:
1. That my windows are getting cleaned. I love clean windows!

2. Jim Brickman's "Home" CD sounds so good in the morning while I am planning dinner in the kitchen.
3. Dillon is requesting Chinese Food and a White Birthday Cake with chocolate frosting for his birthday on Saturday. Oh, and his favorite french toast for breakfast. We will get it done for the Prince!
4. I have beautiful daffodils in the front yard. That was a fun surprise!

5. Getting daily emails from Five teachers from school can really fill up your inbox. It also leads to great communication at home. I did my homework last night of filling out five forms, five checks and five envelopes for school pictures. I get an A!
6. It seems the washer here in Kansas still likes to eat our socks!
7. I have decided to drop Diet Coke...and start an affair with his brother Coke Zero! REally...it's a baby step!
8. Just ordered a pink dress from Shappy Apple. Love that website. I have missed the UPS guy from Montrose! I hope he found a new daily route.
9. Doesn't creamy Spinach Noodle Bake sound good for Dinner? I love Pioneer Woman. com. Smart recipes AND directions.
10. We are getting a membership to the Leawood Jewish Community Center. We took a tour yesterday. It is walking distance from the house.  Wow! They know how to do it right. Theatre Arts Exercise Food Private School k-12 and Preschool all on one campus. You only need to leave to sleep! Should I drive my car to go work out? It doesn't seem right. I will start with riding my bike!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

May the Luck of The Irish Be With You Today!

May joy and peace surround you,
Contentment latch your door
And happiness be with you now
And bless you evermore.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Top Ten Thurs.

Things I love about Kansas
1. The smell outside. It's sweet.
2. The office in my new house. It has a great view of the trees and I love listening to the birds.
3. The grocery store is 3 minutes from my garage. "The Hen House"is great store. The Nordstroms
  of grocery stores. I am in love with their fresh daily salsa and guacamole.
4. We can walk to the liberary from our house. It is big and beautiful.
5. I have my very own closet. I haven't had this for about 20 years. I love it!
6. There is a restaurant down the street called Chocolate Soup...I am excited to go see what's for
    lunch there some afternoon.
7. The Trees.
8. ...that my kids are happy here. They love there school.
9. The rain. We sat out in the garage and listened to an afternoon thunderstorm
 roll though. I have missed the rain. We had to go buy umbrellas and rain coats. You don't
need them in Colorado!
10. That today we are taking everyone to the Zoo. Half of my kids have never been to a Zoo.
  They are excited to see the polar bears. It's 30 minutes from our house!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wilson gathering spot...food optional!

I love spending time here

Our New Home Sweet Home

Hello Kansas City!

Have you ever been so tired you could cry? Well... moving our family to Kansas City brought me to tears last friday! We spent all day with the moving truck, all afternoon cleaning it and all night driving through a snow storm over Vail Pass. By the time we got to Denver at 2:00 I was so extremely exhausted I couldn't even make a sentence.

Saying goodbye to Montrose and all of our kind friends there was so hard.  I had 10 girlfriends come over to help me pack the kitchen on Thurs. They brought lunch and we packed and laughed and ate. I sure miss them all!

Saturdays drive across Colorado and Kansas was beautiful. So much open space. The kids were troopers. They hardly complained. I sure do love them. We arrived in Kansas City to dense fog and rain! Thunder storms and lighting. We recovered by the hotel pool on Sunday. Monday morning we started unpacking the Diesel. How is it that we fill up a diesel with all our stuff. Do we really need any of it? There is a new rule while we are here....no one brings anything home from the store!

The heat was off. Unpacking in a coat is not so fun. One of the furnaces in the house needed serviced. I got on that right away! I HATE being cold. The kids sat in the car watching movies for a few Hours while we worked on getting heat. Then we had no water on until the heat was on for 24 hrs. So that was a long time to hold it for our family. The water came on with only one small leak in the upstairs bathroom. It started pouring water into the kitchen right onto the new lab top. Ben ran for the water shut off and I ran for the lab top! I didn't have a towel so I used my shirt. Oh, and we are on day for of eating out with six kids. There was no fridge in the house. I went shopping for one Tues. The soonest it could be delivered...Friday!
Wednesday was a good day. We had heat, hot water and beds.

Thursday the kids had their first day at their new school. They were so excited and nervous at the same time. The kids in the neighborhood are so friendly! They love being able to play in the neighborhood.
Everyone we have meet seems nice and genuine. Utah seems to like it too! The squirrels are not so fascinating in his old age. He loved to chase them up the trees when we lived in Cleveland.