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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Top Ten Thurs.

The Top Ten Reasons
I Dream

Yummy Food. Thank you Katie for the suggestion. I hope I can recreate the divine Lemon Ricotta Pancakes.  The lady seated next to us brought her beloved BUNNY to dine.
I never got the memo about bringing our bunnies to breakfast.
You must also eat at Landmarc in Tribeca.  This stop was a local recommendation.

If the boy you fall in love with has worn out boat shoes. Then, girl you will learn to love the water!
I now love the boy in boat shoes and the water. So, we hit the Manhattan by Sail. An amazing afternoon.

9/11 Memorial was emotional and moving.

 Our Irish friend Duncan and his horse Star were our tour guides through central park.
Danskos. The only way to travel if your walking! We loved our 7:00 a.m. walk across
the Brooklyn Bridge. The Manhattan bridge was also beautiful.

The Federal Hall, New York Stock Exchange, the "Charging Bull" and Wall St. were extremely busy
Friday morning. I felt a little under dressed in my yoga pants and nikes!!!!

The Ritz Carlton Was a Dream! I highly recommend the tenth floor with the view of the
New York Harbor and Battery Park. It's the first time I have come home from a trip
wishing I could bring the linens and bed from the hotel.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Summer's last Hoorah

The boys were  able to go to sports camp this summer
for two weeks. Which they loved.
So it was only fair that the girls got to go to
Equestrian Camp for a week.
They were so excited, I think more excited than
"christmas excited".
It was a five star week.

While the boys are camping

The girls will play.
We had a great "girls night out" friday night.
Make up, dressing up, the works.
We stayed up late laughing and pillow fighting.
I thought it was time to introduce them
to the Chocolate Factory.
They weren't disappointed and neither was I.

 Where is your favorite "girls night out" spot?
Cheers! To girls and a whole lot of fun!

Truly Humbled

It's an eye opening experience
when your 12 year old daughter  has an
for photography and has beautiful photos and more
followers on Instagram.

Well, at least I can take the genetic credit right???
Here is some of her latest work.
You can follow her on  Instagram at Smiffes2.

Schools in Session

The socks and shoes are bought.
The school supplies are bulging
from their back packs.
My bank account is empty.
The morning air is cool again.
That can only mean one thing.
It time for school.

I have to admit I love the school supply shopping part.
I always get myself something new.
On the first day, Ben and I dropped them off with kisses and hugs
and they were on their way.  I think we were the only parents who did the 
"drop and run" on the first day. We had a bike ride to get to!
Their was a sea of parents at the school with cameras and video.
Leawood Elementary even had a mascot to greet the children.
Love that place but there sure is a lot of pomp and circumstance.

Everyone loves their teachers.
I love having 8 long hours of peace.
It's an adjustment but I think I'll manage!
I may finish writing my book after all.
I hope your school year is off to  great start like ours.
For now I think I'll start one of these projects on my list.
Sweet Madness Mama

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Living in Lego Land

With the extreme heat we have been inside for play.
The living room has become the "darkside" for villian.
Batman swings from the blind cords. The air conditioning vent
has become "the river of death". You get the idea.
on this special morning it was just me and the Big Easy.
The other boys were at sports camp and the girls were gone.
It was one of those "I wish I could stop time moments".
Big Easy is one of my favorite guys. He goes to first grade in 14
days. I'm gonna miss my buddy like crazy.