Welcome to my Rich Life

Monday, August 20, 2012

Schools in Session

The socks and shoes are bought.
The school supplies are bulging
from their back packs.
My bank account is empty.
The morning air is cool again.
That can only mean one thing.
It time for school.

I have to admit I love the school supply shopping part.
I always get myself something new.
On the first day, Ben and I dropped them off with kisses and hugs
and they were on their way.  I think we were the only parents who did the 
"drop and run" on the first day. We had a bike ride to get to!
Their was a sea of parents at the school with cameras and video.
Leawood Elementary even had a mascot to greet the children.
Love that place but there sure is a lot of pomp and circumstance.

Everyone loves their teachers.
I love having 8 long hours of peace.
It's an adjustment but I think I'll manage!
I may finish writing my book after all.
I hope your school year is off to  great start like ours.
For now I think I'll start one of these projects on my list.
Sweet Madness Mama

1 comment:

  1. Has Sierra gone to Middle school, or are you homeschooling???? Just wondering where she is in the photos. Wishing you all a great year :-)

    Our kids don't start until a few days after Labor Day, you know us Northern New England MOuntain folk, summer doesn't really start until late June and now on August 20 - it was 47 degrees when I woke for my run this morning! Fall is coming fast, leaves are already changing...Can't wait - it's my favorite season - miss you all - Erin
