Welcome to my Rich Life

Monday, September 24, 2012

Game Day

The Three F's
We are really crazy about college football.
We were at a rained out game a few years ago in Montrose watching our hometown Indians
play.  It was pouring rain and we were  cheering through the storm when a mom of one of the players
turned around and asked Ben which  player was his son.  He smiled and said none of them. I just 
really love this game!
So, with six college teams within 30 minutes of our home 
we have a full schedule of games.
Our first game this season ,
Kansas University.
We love Lawerence Kansas.
 Our coach and Cheerleaders
 Our coach for all things Football.
 If you hit a game you must have lunch at Pickleman's.
The Asiago Chicken Pizza is so good.
 Our Cheerleader with amazing gymnastics
 Looking Cute for the game
 Boys in Blue and Red
 Anna and her love of big pickles.
 We had a great view of the KU Cheerleaders.
Sydney and Anna got hugs from some of them.
They swore to never shower.
 Easton loved the game.
I'm not sure this would be something the boys in our house
could admit to.  But, we love them anyway!
The game was a disappointment. KU lost in the last three
minutes of the game.  We came home to a University
of Utah win so that made us feel better!
We bleed RED!!!
Have a great game day.

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