Welcome to my Rich Life

Monday, December 3, 2012

Family Photo Shoot

It's what I love around me at this
time of year. I hope your able to gather close
to your loved ones this season.
If I could pause time I would.
My kids are so much fun right now!
Funny, Loud, Moody, Stinky and
Darn Cute!
And only one of them in braces for the moment...
I'm sure it's Dillon's turn soon.
Heres to Home Sweet Home
for the Holidays.

Merry Christmas!
Sweet Madness Mama


  1. Make them stop growing. Your pictures are great.

  2. beautiful, beautiful!

    on a side note: miles' teacher told everyone that a "new boy" would be joining their class. everyone, said miles, was hoping it was going to be ian. :) he must have left quite a good impression!

  3. Those pictures are great! You sure have cute kids.

  4. Cute family! We took new family photos too...they'll be showing up on our holiday card in your mailbox soon :-) Hoping Sydney received our package today in the mail. Stanley was ready to come home! Nikki also sent Sydney an email with more info about Stanley's time with us. I sent it to your old email at frontier.. hoping you got it. If not can you email me and I will resend it to you tonight. Nikki wanted Sydney to have it before her project deadline. Let me know,


  5. Beautiful Family! Wish we lived closer...it has been way to long since we have had breakfast in our pj's :o)
