Welcome to my Rich Life

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Top Ten Christmas Favorites

It's that time of year when there is magic in the air.
I just love to be home at this time of year. Some of you love the hustle and bustle,
I do not.
Amazon came threw for me again this year 
right down to the candy canes and Steven's
hot cocoa.
But, I wanted to share with my friends
far away some of my favorite christmas
decorations. If you were close by I would invite you in
sit you down with a diet coke for a long chat and laugh.
For this year,
This will have to do.
Love and diet coke to all my best friends at this
Season. Love you all!

 These Beauties are blooming in the Kitchen

 Of Course because this IS
Kansas City. We always hit Hallmark.
It's a Kansas City Original.

 Lights, Music and Magic. What they won't think of.

 These are a Favorite for me.
Paper Whites in the Sun.
It has been 65 degrees here this week.

 This happy camper reminds me of our
annual trip to California. This also plays music and has lights.

 I am a White Owl lover.  They are so fun.
This is my new decoration for this year.

 It's not Christmas at our home without a little
Jim Shore. He is the creative artist behind these master pieces.

 Here is the pillow line up. I love the Chevron print.
Don't you?

 Christmas wouldn't be fun without some

The traditional poinsettia.
Did you notice all the new variety of color
choices this year?  I went with what looks
like a vintage faded worn red.

Thanks for coming by. Please share some of your favorite
christmas decorations. Happy Thursday.

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