Thursdays look like this...
6:45 Devotional & Prayer
7:00 Shower
7:10: Taking Sierra to Middle School
7:30 back to the house to feed kids
8:00 finding gloves and hats
8:05 Jesus Calling Devotional & family prayer
8:25 School Drop off
8:50 Kitchen Cleaning
Laundry started
Dishwasher started
Bedroom lights turned off
Phone calls
Catching up on daily news
text to Ben
12:00 walk the dog
12:30 Lunch
1:00 Errands
2:45 Middle School Pick up
3:45 Elementary Pick up
4:00 Reading and homework
4:00 Deliver Anna to Gymnastics
Call someone while in Commute
4:00 Deliver Sydney to Art
5:00 Pick up Sydney from Art
5:15 Get Dinner Rolling
use the restroom
5:35 back in the car to get Anna
6:15 Deliver Anna to the house, honk for Sierra.
6:30 Deliver Sierra to Swimming
6:45 Serve Dinner
7:30 Back to get Sierra from Pool
8:00 Help kids get ready for bed
8:15 lay by a child and read a book
9:30 Fold some of that laundry that patiently waited for me!
9:45 visit with Ben
10:00 take my exhausted self to bed.