Welcome to my Rich Life

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Be My Valentine

i am a hopeless romantic. 
i love Valentines.
i heart chocolate and kissing.
So here is what the plan for Valentines 
at our house will look like...
I will make this lovely Red velvet Cake.
i hope my Valentines will enjoy it. 
 It will be just a Tuesday, but I will 
wear red lips and nails if only for a day!
 i will wear red shoes to church.
Wearing red makes a girl feel lovely
 i will get seven red balloons and attach
a love note to each for all the sweets in my life. If you
come on by i will have one for you too!
 It may rain and i will be ready with a 
beautiful red umbrella.
 Courage is so attractive don't you think.
Five years ago My husband was told he had 
a brain tumor. He is the most courageous
man I know. He will surely get a love note!
 We will eat our simple dinner by candlelight.
it sure can make any meal extra special, even papa murphy's pizza.
 Poppies are one of my favorite flowers. On Tuesday flowers from the grocery
store will be great. I also know that getting them myself sometimes is just as fun as
getting them from Ben.
After my little Valentines are tucked in bed. I hope to find the energy
to watch my favorite romantic movie of all time.
"You bewitch me body and soul". What a beautiful sentence. 
Happy Valentines Sweet Lovelies!


  1. Happy Valentines to all of you! I had to have my valentine's meal today (along with the nasty pills that are holding my condition at bay, but making me fell not so well). I have a small favor to ask...I am going to have surgery on Wednesday 2/15 and may be in the hospital a few days...it's a long story, involving masses that aren't in great places, hemorrhaging to the point of needing 2 transfusions and ultimately surgery - which will thankfully fix the "problem at hand," but a long 8 weeks of recovery (possibly more if I need more transfusions during surgery). Anyway, the favor is to ask you and your family to keep my family, my children (and I guess me) in your prayers during this difficult time. I know that your prayers even though far away will bless both my and my family here in NH. Thanks so much!

  2. Oh no, what happened? I am going to email you later! We would be happy to do you this favor. Would you want a priesthood blessing also? How else can we help your family?

  3. I love reading your blog Michelle!
