Welcome to my Rich Life

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Home for the Holidays

Our Tree is Top Priority.
Everyone pitches in.
Someone Special must place the star.
The  Country Christmas  Music 
CD must play 
(It was the first Christmas CD Ben and I could afford)
The train is assembled.
Hot cocoa is ready.
Our home welcomes the Holiday Season.
The magic of Christmas is here.


  1. Beautiful :-) We too cut our tree this past weekend. It is our first "Griswold" tree, have yet to put it up, but the kids have tomorrow, Thursday off school for a religious holiday so we are planning to tackle the tree assembly then. Miss you all, waiting for more snow to take the annual "card" photo - Can you send me your physical address on my email so we can send you a card? Thanks - Erin

  2. the tree is lovely - as well as the decorators. :)
