Welcome to my Rich Life

Saturday, January 21, 2012

It's Anastasia's Special Day

She is a beauty. My very own Russian Beauty. When we first laid eyes on each other, "It was love at first sight" we say. She was 10 days away from turning three and spoke only Russian and I was utterly in love the first time I saw her face. She was so beautiful and perfect. That very moment I said a silent prayer of thanks in my heart. God had miraculously put us together.  Our love was a love of the heart, no language was needed.  Anastasia Jane has blessed my days ever since. 
She also has brains. You might be impressed to know that she started to say english words in her sleep after just two weeks. She mastered our language in just three short months. Anna is a math and reading wizard. She is score keeper of every game. You can't get anything past this girl. Happy Birthday Beautiful Girl.

1 comment:

  1. she is very, very beautiful. and brainy - whoa, what a perfect combo. :)
