Welcome to my Rich Life

Monday, January 30, 2012

Make Time

To Read!
I couldn't resist putting together
my very own ten top favorite reads for you.
Some of them were so touching that I thought about them for days and weeks after
finishing them.  I'm drawn to memoirs, historical fiction. I'm surprised that two
of my favorites are non-fiction.
Are any of these on your favorite list?
Oh, and just a shout out to all my long time
book club gals, you are all amazing. I'm glad
we share the love of literature .
Digging  into a novel is delicious!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

FYI Friday


We have decided in our family that allowance is not tied to chores. being a part of our large family requires everyone to work, everyday. Sometimes less is required sometimes more! There are however chores that are harder and can be done for payment. But, here is the run down of how it works at our home. Your allowance is based on your age. We start allowance at age 5. It is given on the first day of the month. Our family is required to pay 10% of that to our church and 10% in a group savings. hey can spend this however they choose. This is the hard part for me. Dillon will waste on candy as will Easton. Ian will by games, videos and songs. Sierra saves. Sydney saves. Anna buys junk from the dollar store.  If I was more organized they would each keep track of their spending with a check registry. But, I'm not that organized...yet. 
I was proud of Easton last week when he gave 18.00 to a charitable cause at school. It pulled at his heart strings. It was so nice that I decided to match his donation. Kids need to see charitable acts in motion.
If this was helpful let me know. How does your family do allowance?

Top Ten Thurs.

Top Ten Words of Wit and Wisdom...

1. Sierra," I love God for making me a fast swimmer".
2. Dillon, "Is Big-foot Real"?
3. Anna, " I will decide what we eat and do today, it's my birthday".
4. Ian, "When will I get a cell phone"?
5. Easton, "Don't you feel good when you do what God wants"?
6. Sydney, " Why does your car have a butt button"? (the rear air button in my car)
7. Ava, Anna's Friend,  " I like your house, can I live here"?
8. The secretary at school, " Would you like to set up all five teacher conferences for next wednesday             night"? (the lady next to me about collapsed) me,"SURE".
9.  Ben, " Easton I am going to charge you a dollar for every time you pee on the toilet seat".
10. Me," I love you all to the moon and back".

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A New Level...

Of Shame!

Ben is the youngest of five. He always tells me stories of
going to school in the same clothes for days. Never showering. Smelling real bad and the like.
I thought for a long time that he was surely exaggerating. 
For  my mother-in-laws sake I still hope he is.
Well, today
As I rushed everyone out of the car for school  I noticed Easton was wearing
the same clothes as yesterday.
I was so    
Then as I was driving down the wrong side of the road deep in thought, It  occurred to me that he had not showered since Saturday night.
Once again, I am embarrassed!
I hope someday he will  forgive me for my  less than perfect mothering!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

It's Anastasia's Special Day

She is a beauty. My very own Russian Beauty. When we first laid eyes on each other, "It was love at first sight" we say. She was 10 days away from turning three and spoke only Russian and I was utterly in love the first time I saw her face. She was so beautiful and perfect. That very moment I said a silent prayer of thanks in my heart. God had miraculously put us together.  Our love was a love of the heart, no language was needed.  Anastasia Jane has blessed my days ever since. 
She also has brains. You might be impressed to know that she started to say english words in her sleep after just two weeks. She mastered our language in just three short months. Anna is a math and reading wizard. She is score keeper of every game. You can't get anything past this girl. Happy Birthday Beautiful Girl.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Top Ten Thurs.

My Top Ten Music Playlist..... In no particular order

    1. Beautiful Inside      Katie Herzig
    2. The Honey Tree     Mostar Diving Club
    3. Paradise                   Coldplay
    4. Mercy                      Matt Nathanson
    5. Worlds Collide        Mostar Diving Club
    6. Dog Days Are Over   Florence+ The Machine
    7. The Good Life         Tim Myers
    8. Faster                       Matt Nathanson
    9. Modern Love           Matt Nathanson
    10. Sanctuary                 James Newton Howard        Enjoy! 

Friday, January 13, 2012

FYI Friday

Todays Topic: Internet Protection Software

I just wanted to share with you some info. I have learned a few things raising six kiddos. So I want to share with you some valuable lessons I have learned. Every kid will be curious on the internet, its just a matter of when not if. We feel the internet is valuable but dangerous. So a few years ago we did some looking into protection for our home computer. We liked and still use Net Nanny.

Here are some reasons why. It is easy to use. We can manage it while away from our home. It is 30 dollars a year. Updates are automatic. It can be customized. We receive email notifications. This year they are adding cell phone, ipad, ipod and tablet protection. We have Wi fi in our home so it is important that ipods, ipads, and nooks are locked, password protected and managed. We want our kids to use the internet but with our rules and guidelines for success. I would love to know if this was helpful. Happy Friday!
Google on.
Look Who is Turning Eight
Sydney Kate

She is one of a kind.  I'm gonna keep her.
She is loyal, creative, silly. She makes me laugh out loud.
She enjoys having all eyes on her. Drama mamma is 
one of her nick names. That name is truly fitting.
She also enjoys taking her own sweet time. 
I'm glad she is smack dab in the middle of our family.
Happy Birthday to a beautiful and kind daughter. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Top Ten Thurs.

Top Ten moments of this week....

  1. Our first snow storm arrived today. I wasn't sure we were going to see any.
  2. My first official photography class. I'm learning a lot of new secrets.
  3. Easton admitting to going to see the nurse at school because secretly he wanted to come home to play the computer. " He was bored of school".  It's gonna be a long ride with this boy.
  4. Sierra pulling out Easton's tooth for him. She wanted payment for her work. Sound familiar?
  5. Finding Dillon still reading at 10 p.m. because his book is so good. I love that feeling.
  6. Sydney requesting "Mom's Homemade Apple Pie" for her birthday. Melts my heart.
  7. Watching Easton at Karate. He is a cute little bugger. Yes, he has been practicing on his older brothers and beating them both.
  8. Anna being invited to Pre-team gymnastics. She is so strong and has no fear (none of my children have any fear, I'm so lucky!). I'm afraid this is going to be a rewarding and expensive and time consuming extracurricular activity. 
  9. Feeling true love for...MY CROCK POT. I know it's weird. But you get me if your a crock potter like me. I use it 2 times a week at least. Fix and forget is fabulous.
  10. Connecting as a family around the fireplace while we read scriptures. They will do anything, including bible study to prolong bedtime. I think they read slowly on purpose. No, it gives me the warm fuzzy feeling, I am so blessed. 

Friday, January 6, 2012

Top Ten Thurs.

  1. This is my newest creation in the kitchen. Do you like almond joys like me? 

 2. The spring like weather has been so great. Easton asked if we could go to the pool today!
 We went for a picnic and a walk instead.
 3. For Gretchen, you have introduced me to YOGA..I knew we would be great friends!
 4. My creative daughters...they can sew, crochet, knit, cook, paint and make beautiful vases.

5. My New Photography Business launching this Spring. "Sweet Madness Photography".
6. Fandango APP.  It keeps us up to date on new releases and whats playing around town.
7. Angry Birds. Who new Pigs and birds would be so popular. They are sure entertaining.
8. Security...
9. Remembering that all my children really want for dinner is...ME. This is a quote by
     Thomas S. Monson on giving our children attention and affection everyday.
10. Timeline on Facebook. I like the change.

Hello 2012

Happy New Year!
 What lies behind us and what lies before us are
small matters compared to what
lies within us.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

What lies within you this coming year?
I hope we can all go confidently
towards our dreams.
For me...I dream of finally self
publishing our adoption story. Look for it
this coming Fall.  I also dream of having a photography
company "Sweet Madness Photography" and selling my photography on
Etsy.com and through local art galleries. I think I will have a show in the Fall.
Let me know if you want an invite. If you have a "gallery" connection
I would love to hear about it.  May God bless us all this year.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

FYI Friday

I'm Adding FYI Friday.
I hope you enjoy learning something new.
It may be a recipe. Something new online, or
just crazy news. Stay posted....