Welcome to my Rich Life

Friday, February 24, 2012

FYI Friday

Paula Dean's White Bean Chili

So this is a winter stable in our house.
I put it in the crock pot before church most of the time.
I hope you enjoy it with your family too.
We serve it with Pumpernickel rolls and butter.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Top Ten Thurs.

My Top Ten Crushes:

My Sweets....

Orange Nail Polish 
 Words with Friends
 Cake Pops...
My shortcut is donut holes on sticks dipped in
white chocolate with sprinkles.
L.U.V. Madonna
Buying tickets for her concert in March
Can't wait! 
Green, Isn't it a fresh change from
I might start a collection. I love them.

 Tulips...any color.

Downton Abbey Season 2
Fabulous Series on PBS
Blue and Green Married together.
Like the Ocean. 

Have a great Thursday friends.
It's sure nice to get together here at
Sweet Madness with you.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

It's Official!

Here it is...
Sweet Madness Photography!
This was such a big step
for me. I am so passionate 
about my work. I love going to work!

Come on over to Etsy.com to take a look.
Sweetmadnessphotos Shop
or my website Sweetmadnessphotography.com
I would love some feed back from my
friends. If you go to either place send me a message
from that location or like my page on facebook
and come back here and comment.
The first five people to do this will
get a 8x10 print from me!
This is gonna be an amazing adventure.

Friday, February 17, 2012

FYI Friday

Do you ever wonder what to keep cool and what
to store at room temp.?
This will help. I laminated mine and attached a magnet.
Now my tomatoes and onions are fresh.
I won't tell you how long I kept onions in the fridge!
Lesson Learned...and shared.
Have a great Weekend!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ten Ten Thurs.

Ten Thank You's
1. Thank you to Karen, the nice women in the Target Parking Lot who saw me in distress and offered to take me and my three kids home after I locked my keys, my phone and my wallet in our car.
2. Thank you to Allison, My neighbor who took Easton to play at her house one afternoon a few months back when I was out of town and Easton was home alone with Ben.
3. Thank you to Claire for sticking up for Sierra when she was bullied earlier in the year by a group of mean girls in the lunch room. She told the school councelor what happened. Bullies need stopped.
4.  Thank you to the lunch ladies who found Easton and returned him to his Kindergarten teacher after feeding him a banana and yogurt. He had told them that his mother didn't feed him breakfast and he was crazy hungry. ( We all know I fed him breakfast).
5. Thank you to Grandma Wilson for homemade fried chicken and the fix'ins. We love that you treat us with good home cook'in when you visit.
6. Thank you to Grandma Southam for all the long hand written letters and pictures you send across the miles. This week we opened hand made Valentines with sweet words of love. Thank you.
7. Thank you to our Home Teachers you never miss a month. Our family has never experiences such steady and unwavering care. Bro. Dave and Bro. Paul we love your visits with our family.
8.  Thank you to all the Teachers of my children, both at school and church. Your work and patience are priceless.
9.  Thank you to all the service men and women who pay a high price for my personal freedom and the freedom of my family. Thank you.
10.  Thank you to all my girl friends. You always know when to be there.

     This list could go on and on. I am a firm believer in "paying it forward'. Look at all the people who have touched my life in little ways. If you liked this post I encourage you to do one thing to "pay it forward" this week. Stop back by and comment and let's see what we can do together! Get moving Girls.    

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Be My Valentine

i am a hopeless romantic. 
i love Valentines.
i heart chocolate and kissing.
So here is what the plan for Valentines 
at our house will look like...
I will make this lovely Red velvet Cake.
i hope my Valentines will enjoy it. 
 It will be just a Tuesday, but I will 
wear red lips and nails if only for a day!
 i will wear red shoes to church.
Wearing red makes a girl feel lovely
 i will get seven red balloons and attach
a love note to each for all the sweets in my life. If you
come on by i will have one for you too!
 It may rain and i will be ready with a 
beautiful red umbrella.
 Courage is so attractive don't you think.
Five years ago My husband was told he had 
a brain tumor. He is the most courageous
man I know. He will surely get a love note!
 We will eat our simple dinner by candlelight.
it sure can make any meal extra special, even papa murphy's pizza.
 Poppies are one of my favorite flowers. On Tuesday flowers from the grocery
store will be great. I also know that getting them myself sometimes is just as fun as
getting them from Ben.
After my little Valentines are tucked in bed. I hope to find the energy
to watch my favorite romantic movie of all time.
"You bewitch me body and soul". What a beautiful sentence. 
Happy Valentines Sweet Lovelies!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Oceans of Love

A sleep-eyed blonde headed seven years old interrupted my sleep early this morning. She tearfully explained that in her dream a deep dark ocean full of sharks had surrounded her. I wrapped my arms around her and told her it was only a dream.  After I got my barring and the burgers out of my eyes we went to the kitchen for some toast and hot cocoa. In my mind as we descended the stairs together I thought of her life and all those real “sharks” and “dark oceans” she will see. As her parent with Christian beliefs I have taught her about God’s unconditional love. His grace and wisdom.  Will it be enough to battle these sharks? She starts second grade in a week. I think of how she will handle rejection. I wonder how she will handle herself when asked to leave some else out of the kick ball game. With grace and kindness? I pray so. Have you heard some of those boys? They are ruthless. Did I mention they are smelly? They can swarm and draw blood with their words.  Will she try out some hurtful words or have patience and charity? Everyday she has the chance to choose Christ. When I held her in my arms years ago I knew these days of sweet innocence were numbered. I hope we have a few more. While we finished our toast I held her close to me. Her hair surrounding her face and smelling of chorine from our swim the night before. She grabbed my face with her hands, her mouth full of toast, and gave me what we call a nose kiss. You get nose to nose and rub noses back and forth. She told me that she loved me too much to help clean up. Cleaver. She got that phrase from one of my parenting bibles “Parenting with love and logic    “. One of the suggestions in this book is that when a child argues with a parent, the parent needs to say with sincerity “ I love you to much to argue”. I guess I must say this a lot during the day. It’s nice to see that some of the tools of this book are paying off. Maybe when the sharks of second grade gather in the deep ocean of the “plays ground” she will respond with “ I love you too much to argue” or “ I love you too much to help”. Could be a good thing could be a bad thing. I will continue praying for good.  
Just a taste of what I sent to Kansas City Star Sunday Faith Column, it was never published. I will keep trying though. What do you think? I really enjoy writing its one of my favorite outlets. 

FYI Friday

There are times when Silence
has the loudest voice.
Leroy Brownlow

I have learned this wisdom with children and with my husband, for that
matter. There are times to just be silent and listen.
You may learn something astounding.
Simple advice, but hard to master.
Enjoy This weekend!

Country Corner

                              Magic Carpet Ride

I grew up a third generation farm girl in Eastern Utah. Our farm grew hardy cattle and strong girls.  I was the youngest of five children. It was important to work hard and finish our chores. It was also important to play and to learn to play hard. I celebrated my birthday in mid January. The Uintah Basin can be mighty cold during that time of year. Nevertheless, my father knew how to throw his daughter a country charming good time. Farmers are resourceful, it’s in their blood. He would take the hood of an old chevy truck and turn it over, cover it in thick Navajo blankets. He would back up the         tracker  to it in the middle of our wide open frozen farm ground. Then he would  carefully tie a rope from the hood to the tracker and we were ready for a screaming fun afternoon in the field. I remember climbing onto the rug and being amazed at how fast and furious the thing would fly. My friends and I would scream in anticipation as we would pick up speed rounding the corners at the bottom of the property. We could only be persuaded to give my dad a break by the mugs of hot cocoa my mother would have waiting for us inside. The Magic Carpet is such a sweet memory of my childhood.      

My parents celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary this past summer in that same beautiful field. Of course that day would not have been the same without my seventy nine year old father smiling that grin at me that said without words, “Don’t you think it’s time to bring out the magic carpet ride?” So with the energy of someone in their youth he attached the four wheeler in the yard to the turned over chevy pick up hood. My six children along with other cousins piled on and took off down through the country. You could hear their laughter for miles. They too could only be persuaded to give their grand father a break by the tall pile of water melon slices prepared by my mother. There are no words to express the joy of watching three generations of farm girls ride the magic carpet. One thing I can say for sure is that growing up a country girl was magic. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sydney's Baptism Day

February 4, 2012
Red Bridge Ward Church Building
Leawood, Kansas

We are so happy for Sydney. Today she took upon her the name of Christ.
She promised to try and live a life like he would live.
She reads her scriptures and trys very hard to always make 
wise choices. She is a beautiful daughter of God.
She was smiling from ear to ear. We were surrounded by many great friends.
 She sweetly whispered in my ear that she wished her
Grandpas and Grandmas were there. They were there in their hearts.
She lives her life very close to God. She said it felt like God was
giving her a big hug that day. 

A special thank you to:
The Jones Family
The Hamrick Family
The Sorenson Family
The Bates Family
The Miller Family
The Neiderhauser Family
The Hirschi Family
The Sheldon Family
The Bennion Family
for your love and encouragement on Sydney's
Special Day. We love you all.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Gifts from The Heart

Teacher Conferences are on Wednesday.
I love hearing all the news from my children's
So We are going to give our Sweet
Teachers Some Love!

I saw this cute idea in a craft magazine
I was browsing a few weeks
ago and fell in love. It is the cuff of a sweater cut off with some felt hearts and the mugs 
are from Bed Bath and Beyond.
I gift card for some hot cocoa in side.
I hope they enjoy this special gift from the heart!

Friday, February 3, 2012

FYI Friday

This is one of my favorite mid-week
or weekend breakfast meals.
Make it this weekend and tell me what you think?
I'm making it tomorrow morning before
Sydney's baptism. Yummy goodness. Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Top Ten Inspiring Women

  1. Barbara, My Mother
  2. Lorraine, My Mother-In-Law
  3. Jill, My Sister-In-Law
  4. Sydney, Daughter
  5. Sierra, Daughter
  6. Anastasia Jane, Daughter
  7. Carla Bruni Sarkozy, Frances First Lady
  8. Ann Romney, Wife of Presidental Hopeful
  9. Margaret Bourke-White, Photographer 
  10. All of my close Girlfriends, you know who you are!