Welcome to my Rich Life

Monday, April 30, 2012

Let's Hit the Parade

So I have to admit I love seeing inside other peoples houses.
 I love the way people are so creative in their spaces. Your home tells your story. It's like an open scrapbook. So, I love going to Home Builder Parades.  I gotta say the Kansas City Spring Home Parade was super fun. I even persuaded my kiddos and husband to see the grand prize winner. And, WINNER it was. It was incredible. My photos don't do it justice really.  Sydney loved this place so much she practically sat down on the porch and said she wasn't leaving. Eventually, she slowly came to the car. She has asked if we could go back every day since.  I think it's granduer made an impression on her.

 The Entry

 The Office

 Do you like the wall paper in the master?

 This cabinet in the bath is beautiful
 Yes, that's an infinite pool you see through the window

 I loved all the light and windows
 Yes, I'll take one please. Does it come with a cute pool boy???
I hope you enjoyed the tour as much as Sydney and I did.
What do you love about it?

Friday, April 27, 2012

Words to Remember

Your Mess Becomes
Your Ministry,
Your Trials 
Become your Testimony.

Today I am grateful
for my ministry, motherhood.
I am also grateful for 
trials and testimony.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Puppy Diaries

9 Weeks

Roscoe is learning 
to go for Car rides
Sleep in his Crate

Sit and Come commands
He even saw his shadow which
surprised him and he started barking
like crazy.
He likes going up the stairs,
but has yet to come down them by himself.
He whined when the kids got on the bus
this morning.
He loves his beef jerky treats.
He went to the vet for his shots.
He is a whopping
14 lbs. and growing by the hour.

Friday, April 20, 2012

FYI Friday

Today's Thoughts....
While I am driving to Soccer, Swimming,
Art, Violin and Gymnastics this is the
quote that runs through my head.
Around this time every school year, 
I swear I will not sign
up the kids for ONE MORE thing. 
My advise...don't over schedule yourself.

 Today, things don't make sense.
We were only staying in Kansas City one year.
Now, we are staying another year.
The hardest part was telling the kids.
They trust that our promises will come true...
only this time we broke our promises.
There were lots of tears.
But, we are stronger together and
we will enjoy another year 
in the midwest.
My advice: Smile and laugh, it helps.

So sit back and dream of the warm,
Strawberry Lemonade
Days ahead!!!
My Advice:
Have a great weekend friends.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Top Ten Thurs. Scottsdale Arizona Edition

Ten Reasons it is a must to vacation with my best friend.

1. I can actually finish a sentence without interruption.

2. We go home as better parents.
3. I remember that Ben is fun to be with.
4. Room service is such a treat.

5. I can stay up late and still catch up on all my sleep.
6. I can indulge in a nap or a good book.

7. I can focus on fabulous four star dining every night AND not clean up.

8. I am surrounded by clean rooms and flowers and happy smiling faces.

9. No one whines at my suggestions.
10. IT IS peaceful.  So nice.

If that didn't help you book a trip with your heart throb then nothing will. Have a great weekend.  
 Happy Thursday from Scottsdale

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Be still my beating Heart

I am in Love!!!!
Rosco P. Coltrane
The new sheriff at our house.
Special Unit: Outlaws in Kansas.

He is a keeper.
We love him so much. 
"We almost love him to death" literally.
Puppy + Summer + Kids= Fun City
He saw his reflection today and 
started barking and pawing the mirror.
I haven't laughed that hard for awhile.
OXOXO and puppy kisses!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Bunny and Blessings

     This Easter we are blessed.  I hope you felt the love of our Savior as you celebrated this special holiday.  I teach the 6 year old children in our church meeting. I have 10 of them who come on a regular basis. They are all so smart. The story of our Saviors resurrection brings all of us such hope and joy. It is one of my favorite lessons to share. 

     We were able to take our boat out for a fishing trip and a tub excursion on Saturday.  Everyone asks if our kids use wet suits. They just laugh.  They have grown up tubbing on mountain melt.
They love the thrill of the cold water. Our friends just shake their heads at our crazy behavior.  "No Wet Suits Allowed" is posted in bold letters inside our boat!  Speaking of crazy...I also took a trip out to Seneca Kansas. You haven't heard of it. Population 350.  Why did I take a five hour road trip Saturday afternoon?  Well, I want it to be a surprise.  Okay, one hint. It has four legs and is so adorable. More to come soon.

      We colored eggs.  Then today we had hard boiled eggs with toast for breakfast.  We played a practical joke on our kids and told them we had hidden the eggs really well this year (but secretly, we didn't hide them at all) they looked for about 5 minutes and then got really curious. Then I just busted out laughing and came clean.  Ben and I are mean we know. Then we really hid them and they found them all within 10 minutes. So much more boring....

     Happy Easter to you all. 
      Sweet Madness Mama

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Top Ten Thurs

Ten things I know for sure....

1.  If I were a color I would be Turquoise.
2.  I am most creative in the mornings.
3.  I really wish I knew how to surf. I still may learn.
4.  My best ever spontaneous decision was a cross country
      road trip with Ben to Kansas City two years ago. 
      It brought our family here.
5.  The love of a loyal dog can never be replaced. 
6.  The best things in life are free.
7.  God knows us by name and hears us when we pray.
8.  Going to Hygiene School was hard but worth it.
9.  I'm really just a country girl at heart.
10.  I miss having a garden in this city place.

What are your ten things you know for sure??? Have a great Thurs.